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Records: 201 to 250 of 7110
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View Record  CS0069.V53 Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol 3** Virkus, Frederick Adams
View Record  CS0069.V53 Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol 4** Virkus, Frederick Adams
View Record  CS0069.V53 Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol 5** Virkus, Frederick Adams
View Record  CS0069.V53 Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol 6** Virkus, Frederick Adams
View Record  CS0069.V53 Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Vol 7** Virkus, Frederick Adams
View Record  F0127.L6C47 Abstract of 1825 New York State Census of Lewis County Central New York Genealogical Society
View Record  F0450.K56 Abstract Of Early Kentucky Wills & Inventories King, J Estelle Stewart
View Record  F0232.R7K38 Abstract of Land Grant Surveys [VA] 1761-1791 Kaylor, Peter Cline
View Record  F0497.W3G69 Abstract of Probate Records Washington Co Ohio: Wills, Estates & Guardianships 1789-1855 Graham, Bernice
View Record  F0157.Y6S63 Abstract of the 1865 York Co Pennsylvania Assessors Military Roll, With Surname Index South Central Pennsylvania Genealogical Society
View Record  F0385.T485 Abstract of the Original Titles of Record in the Land Office [TX] Texas General Land Office
View Record  CS0482.R44 Abstract of Wills Vol 1 1708-1745 Irish Manuscripts Commission
View Record  CS0482.R44 Abstract of Wills Vol 2 1746-1785 Irish Manuscripts Commission
View Record  F0497.F8R56 Abstracted Wills 1805-1831 from Franklin County Ohio Court Records with Genealogical Notes Rings, Blanche Tipton
View Record  F0490.B69 Abstracts & Extracts of the Legislative Acts and Resolutions of the State of Ohio 1803-1821 Vols 1-19 Bowman, Mary L
View Record  F0148.A26 Abstracts & Identifications of Entries Giving European Origins in Church Records of South Central Pennsylvania and Adjacent Areas - With Index, Book 1 South Central PA Genealogical Society
View Record  F0157.Y6H748 Abstracts from Common Pleas Docket, York County Pennsylvania, April Term 1757-July Term 1761 Hively, David P
View Record  F0159.K6L58 Abstracts from the Kittanning Gazette 1825-1828 Kittanning, Armstrong Co Pennsylvania Livengood, Candy
View Record  F0152.S36 Abstracts from the Pennsylvania Gazette 1748-1755 Scott, Kenneth
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 1 1844-1854 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 2 1855-1869 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 3 1870-1875 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 4 1876-1884 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 4 1876-1884** Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 5 1885-1893 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0187.C4W35 Abstracts from the Port Tobacco [MD] Times & Charles County Advertiser Vol 6 1894-1898 Wearmouth, Roberta J
View Record  F0157.A2M585 Abstracts of Adams County Pennsylvania Wills 1745-1800 Miller, Randy J
View Record  F0157.A2G74 Abstracts of Adams County Pennsylvania Wills 1800-1826 Greenholt, Kevin L
View Record  F0157.A2M585 Abstracts of Adams County Pennsylvania Wills 1826-1850 Miller, Randy J
View Record  F0157.M7B74 Abstracts of Administrations of Montgomery County Pennsylvania 1822-1850 Brewer, Mary Marshall
View Record  F0157.B3M24 Abstracts of Berks County Pennsylvania Wills Vol 3 1800-1825 Martin, Jacob
View Record  F0157.B3M26 Abstracts of Berks County [PA] 1785-1800 Martin, Jacob
View Record  F0157.B3M25 Abstracts of Berks County [PA] Wills 1752-1785 Martin, Jacob
View Record  F0157.B8M38 Abstracts of Bucks County Pennsylvania Land Records 1684-1723 Meldrum, Charlotte
View Record  F0157.B8B58 Abstracts of Bucks County Pennsylvania Land Records 1711-1749 Brown, June D
View Record  F0157.B8W74 Abstracts of Bucks County Pennsylvania Wills 1685-1785 Vol 1 Wright, F Edward
View Record  F0157.B8W74 Abstracts of Bucks County Pennsylvania Wills 1685-1785 Vol 2 Wright, F Edward
View Record  F0180.H66 Abstracts of Chancery Court Records of Maryland 1669-1782 Hooper, Debbie
View Record  F0187.C4J68 Abstracts of Charles County Maryland Court & Land Records Vol 1 1658-1666 Jourdan, Elise Greenup
View Record  F0187.C4J68 Abstracts of Charles County Maryland Court & Land Records Vol 1 1658-1666 Jourdan, Elise Greenup
View Record  F0187.C4J68 Abstracts of Charles County Maryland Court & Land Records Vol 2 1665-1695 Jourdan, Elise Greenup
View Record  F0187.C4J68 Abstracts of Charles County Maryland Court & Land Records Vol 3 1694-1722 Jourdan, Elise Greenup
View Record  F0157.C4B79 Abstracts of Chester County Pennsylvania Land Records Vol 1 1681-1730 Bryant, Carol
View Record  F0157.C4B79 Abstracts of Chester County Pennsylvania Land Records Vol 2 1729-1745 Bryant, Carol
View Record  F0157.C4B79 Abstracts of Chester County Pennsylvania Land Records Vol 3 1745-1753 Bryant, Carol
View Record  F0157.C4B79 Abstracts of Chester County Pennsylvania Land Records Vol 4 1753-1758 Bryant, Carol
View Record  F0157.C4B79 Abstracts of Chester County Pennsylvania Land Records Vol 5 1758-1765 Bryant, Carol
View Record  F0285.A67 Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State of Georgia 1733-1777 National Society of Colonial Dames of Oregon
View Record  F0187.H2D3 Abstracts of Death Certificates...Darlington Maryland 1921-1961 Vols 1 & 2 Davis, Helene M
View Record  F0187.P9S53 Abstracts of Debt Books of Provincial Land Office of Maryland, Prince George's County Vol 1 1753-1755 Skinner, Vernon L Jr
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Records: 201 to 250 of 7110